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Views: 20     Author: m     Publish Time: 2016-12-23      Origin: Anhui Elite Industrial Co.,LTD


No sweet burden - new energy functional

Functional oligosaccharides, such as:Fructooligosaccharide, D-maltose, galactooligosaccharide, low poly xylose, stachyose, hydrolysis in human gastrointestinal without the oligosaccharide enzyme system, therefore, they are not inside the large intestine digestion, absorption and directly into use by bifidobacteria, is the intestinal bacteria multiplication factor.


Functional oligosaccharides have been identified, the main physiological function includes the following four aspects:

1.Difficult peptic, can prevent obesity:

Difficult or not digestion and absorption by human body,Provides by the energy value is very low or no.Can paly a role in the low energy food,amximize meet the requirements of those sweet tooth and worry about fat.Also available for people with deabetes,obesity patients and low blood sugar to eat.

2.Activation in the gut bifidobacteria and promote growth.

Bifidibacterium is human intestinal bacteria,the bacteria number will gradually reduce along with the increase of age.As a result,the number of bifidibaterium in the intestines become somewhat or not one of indicators of measuring human body health.Broad spectrum and powerful antibiotics widely used,make human body normal intestinal flora balance,all different demage as a result,prompted by intake of functional oligosaccharides intestinal bifidobacteria natural rights colonization.

3.Health moth-proofing teeth

Does not cause tooth decay,is helpful to maintain oral hygiene.

4.Dietary fiber supplements

Due to the functional oligosaccharides don't digestion and absorption by human boday,have some physiological functions of dietary fiber,such as lowering serum cholesterol leaven and prevent colon cancer.

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